Room 41 Policies


Homework is a way to reinforce the skills taught in school that day, it is not meant to frustrate your child. If your child is struggling on  an assignment, please send me a quick note or e-mail and let me know- they will not be penalized! Homework in 4th grade should take about 45 minutes each night.

Homework will be given out each night and must be completed by the next day. Each student has been given a yellow homework folder to bring assignments back and forth. If a student is not completing homework assignments they will be given a slip to have signed. Students may stay in for a portion of recess to complete missed assignments.  If a homework assignment shows lack of effort, a student may be asked to re-do it.

Students will have daily math homework as well as a daily reading log, Monday through Thursday. This year, I am asking that students record the title, author and pages read at the bottom of their planner with your initials. 
          *All homework is subject to change, so please check your child’s planner for extended learning projects!!*

Agendas/Tuesday Folders

Each child has been given an agenda book where he or she will write down all homework assignments and any other important information for that week. I would like to thank you for signing your child’s planner each night. I check the planner each morning for parent/guardian initials, and confirm nightly reading by drawing or stamping a star. Please feel free to write a note in the agenda book as well. It's a great way for quick communication!

Your child has been given a "Tuesday Folder" which will go home every Tuesday with school notices and announcements. This should come back to school the next day.


We will have lunch everyday at 1:05, so we will have a snack in the morning. In order to keep our energy up, I encourage healthy snacks in accordance with our district wellness policy. In addition, please remember that we are a an allergy-aware district

Classroom Expectations

In order to maintain a safe and respectable learning environment, we have worked together to create, "Class Expectations." Each morning we will greet one another and review our expectations to start the day! In our classroom, we have a clip chart to ensure positive behavior. If students go above and beyond meeting expectations, they can move their clip to the top of the chart. Those students will receive tickets and be entered in a class raffle for a prize! If students move down the clip chart, they may stay in for recess, fill out a reflection form to be signed, or will receive a phone call home.

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