

MPS uses the Envision 2.0 math program as the core curriculum. This program has many online components, such as testing, games, assignments, and videos. Students will be trained to use their accounts at school, which can be used to reinforce skills at home. This program puts a high-emphasis on the 8 Mathematical Practices through rigorous content. In addition to Envision Math, students are given many supplementary activities, games, and practice. 

Each night, students will receive one sheet of math homework to reinforce skills taught in school. If your child is struggling, please do not hesitate to write me a note or contact me! 

Student Account Link:

Pearson Realize

*Please use the MPS homepage and click on the "Class Link" to access ST Math. 


Fourth grade students read longer words and use roots, prefixes, and suffixes to determine the meanings of unknown words. They use details and examples in the text to determine the main idea and describe a character, setting, or event. Students produce writing that is developed, focused, organized, and edited. They group related ideas in paragraphs and sections, and provide a conclusion. Fourth grade students know when to use formal English, and when informal English is appropriate.

• Use details and examples in the text to determine the main idea and describe a character, setting, or event
• Use first person (e.g., I said) and third person (e.g., She said) narrative styles
• Read and understand literature and informational texts

Reading: Foundational Skills
• Use grade-level phonics and word analysis skills (roots, prefixes, and suffixes)
• Read words with multiple syllables
• Read with accuracy and understanding

• Write opinion pieces that include a conclusion related to the opinion
• Write informative pieces that group related ideas in paragraphs and sections, and provide a conclusion
• Write narratives that introduce a narrator and characters; write about what the characters say, feel, and think; use sensory details (sight, sound, scent)
• Produce writing that is developed, focused, organized, and edited
• Write a short research piece

Speaking and Listening
• Participate in discussions, carrying out assigned roles
• Paraphrase portions of information presented aloud
• Plan and deliver a presentation based on a personal experience
• Speak clearly, in complete sentences, and at an appropriate pace

• Use correct grammar
• Use complete sentences
• Correctly use frequently confused words (To, two, too, there, their, they’re)
• Use correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
• Spell grade-level words correctly
• Know when to use formal English and when informal English is appropriate


MPS is uses the online science program, Discovery Education as the core curriculum to meet the Massachusetts standards. It is a rigorous program with reading, videos, vocabulary, and hands on learning according to the 5E Model. In addition, students will be using Mystery Science, which provides students with hands-on learning experiences. Both programs are aligned to new,  NGSS science standards. 

Social Studies

These are the fourth grade social studies topics:

  • States & Capitals
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Immigration
  • World War II
  • U.S. Regions 
Many of the social studies units are embedded within our learning in ELA. 

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